Image of the Anishinabek Educational Institute logo on the Nipissing Campus building

Jobs at AEI
(To be updated)

Other Employment Opportunities
(To be updated)

Information About Programs

All programs offered at the Anishinabek Educational Institute are full-time programs. Our programs are not only designed to reduce the high stress levels which develop when students are away from their family, community, and workplace responsibilities, but are also designed to enable students to retain their jobs while being trained.

Delivery Options

Community Based

Community based delivery programs can either be delivered as on-campus or combination delivery.

Combination Delivery

Students are required to attend intensive two week in-class sessions twice per semester alternating with a five to six week return to their community while still maintaining a full-time program workload.

On-Campus Delivery

Programs are delivered at one of our campuses or at a partnering community. On-campus delivery requires students to participate in-class on a full-time daily basis during each semester.

Learn More

Learn about all of the programs offered by the Anishinabek Educational Institute (AEI) including course descriptions, admission requirements, and employment potential. LEARN MORE

Forever to the 7th Generation