Binoojiinyag Kinoomaadwin; ECE Diploma Program
Through the Binoojiingyag Kinoomaadwin; Early Childhood Education Program you will develop the knowledge, skills and experience required to deliver developmentally appropriate practices and provide a safe and stimulating learning environment for young children. You will be uniquely prepared to incorporate the culturally specific needs of First Nations communities where traditions and language are essential to ensuring the total development of the young child. The opportunity for career advancement, plus financial and job security, are some of the reasons to begin your rewarding career in the field of Early Childhood Education.
Employment Opportunities: Child Development Centres, Licensed Daycares, Kindergarten Classrooms, Educational Assistants, Ontario Early Years Centres.
Admission Requirements
OSSD with the majority of courses at the college level; or
Mature student status
All applicants must arrange with the Anishinabek Educational Institute to complete the Canadian Adult Achievement Test (CAAT) before determining eligibility regardless of academic standing.
Program of Study
Semester 1
This course is designed to develop effective writing skills for communicating ideas in academic and other tasks. Topics include grammar, writing processes, conventions or different prose forms, sentence and paragraph construction. Extensive grammar review and peer review processes are also included.
This course provides an introduction to the study of child development and growth. Students will explore the human life cycle from conception to age six, with the Native perspective emphasized at each stage. Topics include prenatal development, birth, feeding, nurturing, developmental milestones, and characteristic behaviours in detail. The four basic methods of child observation and recording will also be introduced.
This course provides a foundation for the study of the role of the Early Childhood Educator. Students will gain an understanding of the professional and ethical responsibilities of the preschool teacher, while also exploring their role in child interactions and program planning. Specific aspects of legislation that will be examined include the Day Nurseries Act, the Child and Family Services Act, and the Indian Act.
This survey course introduces the traditions, cultures, histories and contemporary issues facing Indigenous peoples of North America. European intrusion, colonial administration and policies, residential schooling, the Indian Act, treaties, and self-determination are studied. Native arts, literature, and the contemporary quest for social justice in modern society are also explored.
This survey course is designed to be an introduction to the Early Childhood Education profession. Students will review the history of the profession and be introduced to the major philosophies of Early Childhood Education. This course emphasizes the role of the Registered Early Childhood Educator (R.E.C.E.) in providing quality care and instruction to young children. Adhering to legislative requirements, designing schedules and learning environments will also be discussed.
Semester 2
The student will explore the transformation of work in the information age and acquire the skills required for successful communication in a changing workplace. The student will develop abilities in four categories of information management – accessing networked information, summarizing information, creating information for diverse purposes and audiences, and publishing information using both print and electronic media by implementing self-directed learning strategies and educational goals.
This course provides an intensive study of the human life cycle from age six to late adulthood, beginning with a review of the developmental concepts and perspectives introduced in NEC 102. Students will explore the relationships between the physical, cognitive, psychosocial, and spiritual developmental domains. A holistic Native perspective on growth and development and the relationship between the life stages will provide the foundation for the course. Topics such as middle childhood, adolescence, and adulthood will be examined in detail.
This course explores introductory skills in planning a developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive curriculum for young children. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of planning a program that supports Native languages and cultures in all academic domains. The major focus of the course will be on the students’ experiential learning and further understanding of self as a quality Early Childhood Educator. The role of nature in children’s learning and the perspective of “Living in Harmony with Mother Earth” will also be studied in great detail.
Students will examine parenting and family/community relationships as well as investigate social issues that affect families. Students will incorporate their own experiences into the curriculum in order to gain an understanding of traditional parenting and family relationships.
The first field work practicum provides the student with the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom to the field. Exposure to the realities of working in the field allows the student to engage in reflective practice inherent to the profession. It also allows faculty to evaluate student progress in the program. Opportunities are provided in Native and Non-Native communities with an emphasis on varied experiences and professional development.
Semester 3
Instruction of this course will be divided between information delivery and experiential exploration of course materials. Various modes of delivery such as lectures, daily assignments, individual and group presentations, lesson plans, and special projects will be utilized. Emphasis will not only be placed on group interaction and the sharing of knowledge between peers, but also on the students’ ability to relate learned concepts to real life scenarios. Selected readings and course resources will compliment the course of study.
This course provides students with a foundation in the study of children with exceptionalities and their families. The inclusion of children with special needs in an Early Childhood Education program will also be explored in great detail. The student will examine major areas of exceptionality, namely characteristics of various special needs, the role of the preschool teacher, and the significance of assessment tools in the development and implementation of the Individual Education Plan (IEP).
This course prepares the NECE student to provide the basic health, safety and nutritional needs of children in Early Childhood Education settings. Strategies utilized by preschool teachers to promote a holistic approach to health and wellness are discussed. Native and Non-Native health services are explored, along with strategies for the health promotion of educators themselves.
As an introduction to psychology, the curriculum focuses on the individual in society, the development of personality, human motivation, cognition, the dynamics of neurosis and the adjustment process as related to interpersonal relationships and cultural pressures.
The second practicum allows the student to continue to develop the skills acquired NEC 106. Specific requirements of the practicum include observation, lesson planning and reflective practice. Students will complete the second field work practicum in Native settings whenever possible and are arranged by the college under approved supervision.
Semester 4
The fourth methods course explores the basic dynamics and principles that underlie the establishment and management of a quality child care centre. Students will have the opportunity to continue to gain practical knowledge and skills about the factors involved in managing a child care program. Topics such as policy development, organization and administration, and procedures of accountability will be discussed in detail.
This course provides the student with skills in identifying and mobilizing community resources to support and promote Early Childhood Education within Native communities. Program planning and strategies to respond to various community expectations are studied, with an emphasis on the promotion and retention of language and culture in preschool education.
Native language and culture is reinforced through storytelling, drama, arts, crafts, music, games and outdoor activities. Native perspectives on an individual’s relationship with the environment form a central theme in this course. Strategies for professionals to utilize and become a community resource are emphasized.
This course focuses on community – based development initiatives in Native Communities in Canada; skills required for compiling a community profile and a short overview of research / survey skills which are important to those engaged in the promotion of wellness in Native Communities.
The third and final practicum focuses on the refining and application of program course work and previous practicum experiences. Faculty will assess observation, lesson planning, and reflective practice skills to further encourage the student’s professional development. Field work experiences are varied and will be arranged by the college under approved supervision.
Field Placements
Field placements are completed in the students’ place of employment with the condition that it is in a childcare setting. Employers who provide field placement settings require a clear POLICE RECORD CHECK for criminal offences with vulnerable sector screening before accepting a student into the field placement setting. The record check MUST be obtained by the student and at the students’ expense prior to the start of the 1st semester and updated every 6 months. If a student is unable to obtain this police clearance they will be unable to attend field placement, which results in ineligibility for graduation. Additional documents that are required include: Current Immunization Record, TB test, CPR & First Aid Certificate, and a medical exam.
All NECE students must submit to AEI the following documents PRIOR to commencement of placements (this includes students who may be employed at the placement site).
- Current Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening at student expense (less than six (6) months old OR less according to placement site policy)
- Current CPR & First Aid Training Certificate (obtained within the last 12 months/recertified)
- Current Ministry of Health Immunization Record (yellow card) & Mantoux Two Step TB Test – *Check with your Health Care Provider to ensure that your immunizations are up-to-date*
- St. Clair Medical Forms – to be completed IN FULL by your Health Care Provider
If you have submitted documents in previous semesters, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all documents are current. Check the dates of your documents to ensure that they are in line with the above requirements.
Employment Opportunities
Positions are available in community and municipal Ontario Early Years Centers, child care centers, in-home care and in JR/SR Kindergarten classes. Graduates are uniquely prepared to address the culturally based and culturally specific needs of First Nations communities.
Information About Programs
All programs offered at the Anishinabek Educational Institute are full-time programs. Our programs are not only designed to reduce the high stress levels which develop when students are away from their family, community, and workplace responsibilities, but are also designed to enable students to retain their jobs while being trained.