Practical Nursing Diploma Program
Join the fastest growing profession in Canada as a Registered Practical Nurse. In order for you to be a proficient member of the nursing profession in both Native and non-Native community settings, the AEI offers additional First Nations specific components throughout the curriculum such as traditional medicine teachings and practices. Clinical placements are done locally and you have the option of completing your final 7 week preceptorship in your own community. As a graduate of the practical nursing program, you will be eligible and prepared for certification as a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) through the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO). You will also be eligible to enter the BScN bridging program through Nipissing University.
Employment Opportunities: Hospitals, Clinics, Mental Health facilities, Long-term Care facilities, Community/Home Care, other health organizations and institutions.
Admission Requirements
OSSD with the majority of courses at the College (C), University (U), University/College (M) or Open (O) level plus:
- Grade 12 English – ENG4U, ENG4C, EAE4C or EAE4U
- Grade 12 Math (C) or (U)
- Senior Level Chemistry (C) or (U)
- Senior Level Biology (C) or (U)
- Equivalent courses from the Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees program or the Academic and Career Entrance program.
Consideration will be given to applicants who do not possess an OSSD, but who have the above listed credits. If you do not possess these credits, feel free to contact us to learn about where you may acquire these courses. Conditional enrolment may be granted at the discretion of the Anishinabek Educational Institute.
Health Requirements
Accepted applicants MUST submit prior to entry into the Program proof of:
- A satisfactory medical examination
- An up-to-date immunization record including MMR (2 doses), TDAP, Hepatitis B (3 doses) and titre (within the last 24 months), Varicella (2 doses or evidence of immunity), 2 step TB skin test (only 1 step required if negative result within the last year)
- Titre testing required for all immunizations (if no evidence of immunity, boosters are required)
Clinical Requirements
Students are responsible for keeping all requirements up to date:
- Criminal record check (CPIC) with vulnerable sector – required every 6 months
- N95 Respirator Fit Testing – refitting required every 2 years
- First Aid & Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training Level C, which must be completed to be eligible for clinical placements. – Annual re-certification required
- Flu vaccination – annual
- Covid-19 vaccination – 3 doses required
- Scrubs and shoes
- Stethoscope
Program of Study
Semester 1
This course introduces students to the profession of nursing. Students demonstrate knowledge of professional behaviours of a Registered Practical Nurse through utilization of the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) Standards of Practice. Students gain an appreciation of the scope of practice and its limitations. Students will explore various roles within the health care team in different practice environments. Students study the principles of the nursing process as the primary theory including the stages of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation. Students begin to use nursing problem statements (nursing diagnoses) to make decisions, problem solve and use critical thinking to understand the interaction of person, health, environment and nursing. Students will use theories and rationales that will guide their nursing practice (communication, safety and professional responsibilities) in the simulated learning environment and with clients in the clinical setting.
In this course students begin to care for clients in a long term or intermediate care level facility. Students will begin to use problem solving, critical thinking, and the nursing process through assessment, planning, nursing interventions and evaluation. Students use the principles of therapeutic communication in case studies, selected clinical experiences and care of clients in lab/community placements. Students demonstrate accountability and professional conduct. Students identify various roles of health care members within the clinical setting. Students dialogue and provide feedback on client care to various members of the health care team.Students must demonstrate safe care and handling of clients at all times. Students have the opportunity to practice clinical nursing skills and techniques in the laboratory setting and then apply them in the care of clients.
This first year nursing course applies the disciplines of anatomy, physiology and pathology to the study of the human body. The course (which includes a laboratory component) emphasizes normal structure and function of body systems and homeostatic control mechanisms, with discussion of alterations in normal function that occur with pathological conditions. Material covered includes cell biology and biochemistry, integument, skeletal, muscular, nervous, sensory, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular, pulmonary, digestive, renal and reproductive systems. The laboratory component of this course will allow students to gain practical/ hands on knowledge of topics discussed in class.
Choose your own course.
Semester 2
This course is designed for students in the practical nursing program. This course prepares students to safely and competently administer medications, and to monitor the clients who are receiving them. The course also introduces students to alternatives to drug therapy. Students will have knowledge of drug classifications and of the skill to administer medications by various routes.
This course will provide the students with an understanding of common health alterations across the lifespan. Students will learn and practice interviewing to obtain complete health histories. They will be able to perform the physical assessment techniques of inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation. Students will focus on holistic health assessment.
The student will focus on nursing process in the care of clients and their support systems with common health alterations. These include but are not limited to skin/mucous membrane and tissue integrity alterations, altered immune functioning, risk for infection, potential complications; opportunistic infection, pain, fluid volume excess/deficit, hypovolemia, shock, hemorrhage and increased intracranial pressure. Students will learn how to assess and care for clients during the diagnostic phase, the perioperative period and through the experience of loss, separation and grief. This course will build on the understanding of adaptive behaviours in these systems explored in the Health Assessment Course and the first semester nursing theory and health course.
In this course students focus on the care of clients with common health alterations, nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems in the respiratory, endocrine, neurosensory and neuro-degenerative, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems. This course builds on the understanding of these systems explored in the first semester Nursing Theory and Biology courses, and in the current semester Health Assessment course.
In this course the student will apply the theory and skills learned in Semester I and II. The student will use problem solving, critical thinking, the nursing process, principles of therapeutic communication, selected clinical experiences, and care of clients in lab/community placements. Students will demonstrate accountability and professional conduct. The student will have the opportunity to practice clinical nursing skills and techniques in the care of clients with problems explored in previous Nursing Theory courses.
Semester 3
In this course, the student will use the nursing process and theories of growth and development as they relate to maternal, newborn and pediatric clients. The student will learn to apply the nursing process in the care of the maternal, newborn and pediatric clients experiencing common health alterations by facilitating an understanding of disease processes, pathophysiology, pharmacology, diagnostic tests and medical treatments.
In this course students use the nursing process to gain an understanding of specific disease processes, pathophysiology, pharmacology, diagnostic tests, collaborative and nursing interventions, and medical treatments of medical-surgical and older adult clients.
During this course the student will explore community assessment, planning and intervention to promote health and prevent illness/injury in community practice settings. The student will learn to use selected assessment tools in community based nursing and will develop nursing competencies required to give care in the community across the lifespan. The student will also learn about the importance of consulting with other professionals and to act as an advocate for clients/families providing care based on determinants of health and in partnership with clients.
In this course, students will apply theory and skills learned in previous courses. Students will use problem solving, critical thinking, the nursing process and principles of therapeutic communication in selected clinical placements, case studies, simulation lab and skills lab, in the care of clients and their families across the life span. Students will demonstrate accountability and professional conduct. Students must demonstrate safe practice and be knowledgeable about best practices and nursing interventions when providing client care. They will identify and interact with members of the health care team within the clinical setting. Students will dialogue and provide feedback on client care to various members of the health care team.
- NST156G – Rainbow of Peace
- NST157G – The Sacred Path
- NST205G – Native Culture: Artistic Expression
- NST – Contemporary Native Issues
- NST156G – Rainbow of Peace
- NST157G – The Sacred Path
- NST205G – Native Culture: Artistic Expression
- NST – Contemporary Native Issues
Semester 4
This course is designed to enable the student to discuss, explain, integrate and evaluate concepts, models and theories related to leadership and management into their professional practice. The course is designed to provide students with a knowledge base about the organization of the health care system and the impacts of advances in technology, informatics and research have on the delivery of care. The student will further develop critical thinking in identifying, assessing and evaluating the application of concepts of health care management principles and models of management and use of evidence based practice. The student will gain further understanding of the self-regulation, service to the public, the roles of professional organizations play in the profession of nursing.
In this course, the student uses the nursing process as it relates to clients with complex medical and surgical problems. The student will apply the nursing process in the care of the adult client experiencing, common health alterations by incorporating knowledge of disease processes, pathophysiology, pharmacology, diagnostic tests and medical treatment for complex medical and surgical problems.
In this course the student will learn about clients with mental health and addiction issues and neurodevelopment disorders. The student will use problem solving critical thinking, skills and the nursing process in their practice of care. The student will study disease processes, pathophysiology, pharmacology, diagnostic tests and medical treatments, as well as nursing interventions, therapeutic communication, best practices and interprofessional care models when caring for these clients and their families.
In this course the student will apply theory and skills learned in Semester I, II, III and IV. The student will use problem solving, critical thinking, the nursing process and principles of therapeutic communication in selected mental health and advanced clinical placements. Students will demonstrate accountability and professional and ethical conduct. Students must demonstrate safe and knowledgable care of clients at all times. Student will demonstrate nursing competencies required to give quality care.
Semester 5
400 hours
This Preceptorship course, designed for students in Semester V Practical Nursing Program, is built on the theory and skills in all previous courses. Students are provided with opportunities to integrate previous acquired knowledge and practical skills in various clinical settings. The focus of this pre-graduate clinical experience in an acute care and/or community setting, is to help students with the transition from the role of nursing student to a beginning graduate. This course supports the role transformation of the practical nurse student allowing the student to consolidate theoretical and clinical knowledge, thereby demonstrating competent nursing care at an independent level within the role and scope of the practical nurse. Students will organize and manage workload comparable to that of a beginning registered practical nurse. The student will interact, collaborate and consult with members of the health care team to achieve working relationships, respond to changes and manage resources to provide effective and efficient care. During this practicum, the student must provide client-centered, safe, knowledgeable, empathetic and efficient nursing care. The student will provide verbal/written reports regarding changes in the nursing care plan on an ongoing basis, to appropriate members of the health care team with the primary aim to provide safe competent care. Student evaluation is based on the application of theoretical knowledge, safe practice, communication both written and verbal, attitude toward learning, and acceptance of nursing responsibilities and self-evaluation.
Clinical Placements
Employers who provide our clinical placement settings require a clear POLICE RECORD CHECK for criminal offences with vulnerable sector screening before accepting a student into the clinical setting. The police record check MUST be obtained by the student and at the student’s expense every six (6) months. If you are not able to obtain this police clearance you will be unable to attend clinical placement, which would result in you not meeting requirements for graduation eligibility.
Information About Programs
All programs offered at the Anishinabek Educational Institute are full-time programs. Our programs are not only designed to reduce the high stress levels which develop when students are away from their family, community, and workplace responsibilities, but are also designed to enable students to retain their jobs while being trained.