The tutoring program has long been one of the strengths of the combined distance and on-campus delivery format of the AEI. It is a vital role in enabling students to gain the maximum benefit from their time here. It is important in enhancing the quality of the learning experience which the AEI aims to offer its students.
The AEI tutor provides expertise, experience, and encouragement to the student. They do not provide “answers”, but rather assist in problem solving which results in getting answers. The tutor and the student focus on course assignments within the framework they are assigned.
Tutors provide an important point of contact for students of the AEI and are a useful source of advice and guidance.

Community Visits
A community tutor visit offers students the opportunity to reflect on their academic and personal development.
The community visit is focused on tutoring, however, this is not the sole purpose of these trips. The time spent in the student’s community and travel to the community provides the AEI employee to advocate on the students behalf with employers, counselors, and to meet with potential placement site agencies.
Within these visits your tutor will:
- Travel to the student community, residence and/or place of employment regularly
- Support you in your learning
- Maintain linkages between the students, supervisors, employers and the AEI
- Review course material and attend classes
- Prepare students in groups or individually
- Share study skills techniques
- Prepare extra material when they feel it will enhance your learning experience.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition
Many adults have acquired learning through work experience, self-study, and volunteer work or through professional development. Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) enables the student to demonstrate that they have the necessary knowledge or skills to successfully obtain college credits. The credits may then be applied to a college program.
The PLAR process uses a variety of tools to help learners reflect on, identify, articulate, and demonstrate past learning which has been acquired through student work, and other life experiences and which is not recognized through formal transfer of credit mechanisms.
The PLAR system evaluates prior learning and relates it to existing courses through Portfolio Assessment or Challenge Evaluation for the purpose of granting course matched credits.
Applicants who wish to utilize this program must apply with the AEI at least two months prior to the start of the course(s) or program they are seeking credit.

Information About Programs
All programs offered at the Anishinabek Educational Institute are full-time programs. Our programs are not only designed to reduce the high stress levels which develop when students are away from their family, community, and workplace responsibilities, but are also designed to enable students to retain their jobs while being trained.